Lets say you want to calculate the CBM volume of a box that measures 50 44 22 cm. For example to convert 500 cubic feet to cubic meters divide 500 by 353146667 that makes 14158 cubic meters in 100 cubic feet. How To Convert Cubic Feet To Cubic Meter Cft To Cum F3 To M3 7405 Square Feet to Acres area. . 50 ft³ 50 0028316579357214 m³. Measure number of square feet in the area of square feet x depth in feet of cubic feet of cubic feet divided by 27 of cubic yards of cubic yards x unit weight in pounds 2000 of tons needed See chart below for unit weight conversion factors Remember to add 10-20 to the total for compaction and waste. If you need to convert to cubic feet from yards. It is a volume measurement unit used in both the imperial and non-metric management systems in the United Kingdom. So finally 1 cu ft 0028316846592 cubic meter. Converting from cubic feet to cubic meters is very easy. The result is th...